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About US

Organization Earth is a Greek civil society organization working towards achieving the Goals of Sustainable Development. Having started as a movement to raise awareness regarding sustainable lifestyles in urban centers, its programs early on was based on the principle of connecting people to nature, with a specialized focus on organic urban agriculture learning for children and vulnerable groups.

In 2015, as a response to the record refugee influx that caused an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, Organization Earth expanded its activities aiming to combat discrimination and tackle inequalities in areas and populations that are hard to reach, such as refugees.

The inaugural project under the new mandate was Hope Refugee FC, the first football team in Greece consisting solely of migrants & refugees. Hope Refugee FC became the sparking for further initiatives and projects using the power of sports as a toolset for positive social change. 

Today, our social inclusion initiative Hope Sports is implementing numerous programs and it includes activities for children, women and men. A large amount of our activities are still concerning population with migrant & refugee background, however a growing number of our projects tackles societal issues in general such a gender inequality and learning disabilities.

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Why we use sports?

Providing physical activity is not our scope per se. Our scope is to use sports as a vehicle for a positive social change. Sport activities, by their definition and nature, are voluntary collective activities – people engage altogether and put their efforts towards achieving the same objectives. Sports are considered as a safe place, both literally and metaphorically, for approaching people from vulnerable backgrounds and promoting positive social values. Sports have the power to break barriers if used in the appropriate and structured way.

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How we use sports?

Sports are used in an adjusted way. We focus our sessions on the social impact rather than the athletic outcome. Our sessions target to enhance positive social values (e.g. respect, teamwork) where every participant has the right to try, to fail and to succeed.


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© 2021 by HopeSports 
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